
Chris is a machine learning engineer with a focus on computer vision, language modeling, and generative models, and is interested in the intersection of art and machine learning, with a focus on multiplicity, relations to others, queerness, and movement.

Recent artistic collaborations include work with artist Zach Blas on Cultus, an installation commissioned by Arebyte Gallery and Secession, and developing a few-shot gas canister detector for Forensic Architecture.

Chris executed challenging tasks throughout entire pipelines, from dealing with small amounts of data (as little as 10 training data points) all the way to deploying ML models that serve thousands of requests per second.

Chris completed a Master's in Machine Learning at the University of Cambridge in August 2017.

research interests
video language models — few shot learning — generative models — Bayesian modeling — computer vision: video understanding, video generation, object and movement detection

other interests
contemporary dance — internal family systems psychotherapy —compassion therapy



Immersive Assembly Volume 4, Dreams and Echoes, Mediale, Oxford and York, UK
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CULTUS with Zach Blas — commissioned by Arebyte Gallery, London, UK, and Secession, Vienna, Austria
— text generation
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Profundior with Zach Blas — commissioned by Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, exhibited at Hamburger Bahnhof
— diffusion video generation
— text generation
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576 Tears with Zach Blas — commissioned by UP Projects for “This is Public Space” series
— live GANs video generation
— live sentiment camera based detection
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Triple Chaser, with Forensic Architecture —exhibited at Uncanny Valley: Being human in the age of AI, at the de Young Museum in San Fransisco
research work in collaboration with Forensic Architecture.
developped a few shot detector for detecting tear-gas canisters in videos, for assisting human rights investigations.
— object detection 
— video understanding
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Machines of Loving Grace, with DJ and producer Sonikku music video for single release Lifestyle with Boilerroom TV
— audio reactive StyleGANs video generation
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The Doors with Zach Blas — commissioned by Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg, de Young Museum, San Fransisco, and Van Abbemuseum, Eidhoven
— GANs video generation
— text generation
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MELTS INTO LOVE with Xin — album cover
— neural style transfer

CAD Conspiracy: Pattern Recognition in Contemporary Art with Mahan Moalemi and Bahar Noorizadeh — commissioned by the Mosaic Rooms, London
— GANs image generation


  1. D’Cruz, A., Tegho, C., Greaves, S., & Kermode L. (2022). Detecting Tear Gas Canisters With Limited Training Data. IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). 
    equal contribution

  2. Tegho, C., Budzianowski, P., & Gašić, M. (2018). Benchmarking Uncertainty Estimates With Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dialogue Policy Optimisation. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP).

  3. Tegho, C., Budzianowski, P., & Gašić, M. (2017). Uncertainty Estimates for Efficient Neural Network-based Dialogue Policy Optimisation. Accepted at the Bayesian Deep Learning Workshop, 31st Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS).

machine learning work

2022 - Present
Unitary, London, UK
— Develop and deploy multimodal machine learning models and pipelines for detecting harmful content in videos, images and text

2017 - 2022
Calipsa, London, UK
— Design, implement and evaluate models and software prototypes for object detection and motion detection in videos

Chris Tegho —


Profundior with Zach Blas

Photo Credits: Zach Blas 
        Commissioned by Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, exhibited at Hamburger Bahnhof

Profundior is an immersive multimedia installation that envisions an AI system as a deity consuming human emotional data. Responding to the quasi-religious veneration of AI in Silicon Valley, it presents an "AI god" in the form of a black box network that ritualistically ingests simulated human tears. Through this speculative work, Profundior interrogates the ethical implications and extractive data practices underlying AI's rapidly advancing emotional intelligence capabilities.
In this work, I trained diffusion models on images of tears to generate videos for the installation. My work also involved training language models to generate text for the installation.

Low resolution protype video generated from a diffusion model for Profundior. Final videos only available through the installation.